Deborah Phillips

Deborah Phillips was born in Dundee in 1965. Always anatural artist she first exhibited work at the Royal Scottish Academy and the Royal Glasgow Institute of Fine Art at the age of 14. She attended and graduated with BA Arts (Hons) from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in 1987. She is now established as a successful full time professional artists.

Deborah Phillips started her art career as a designer with the National Trust for Scotland. A similar role followed as Deborah undertook work with Historic Scotland. Deborah Phillips also worked with an international art and craft company professionally demonstrating art and craft materials from 1996 to 1998.

Today much of Deborah Phillips contemporary painting is undertaken from commissions. Corporate organisations such as Standard Life, Bank of Scotland, Marks and Spencer together with well know personalities feature as collectors of her increasingly popular painting.

Talking about her art work Deborah says,” I enjoy all aspects of creating a painting, from going out into the the stunning Scottish countryside to collect reference material, priming the board on which I will paint, squeezing paint from the tubes and watching it glisten on the palette, holding the well-used brushes, mixing the squelchy colour and applying it in swathes, varnishing, framing and then seeing the finished article on a gallery wall – every stage gives me a thrill.”

As a contemporary Scottish artist Deborah Phillips makes use of strong and bold colour. Her paintings are rooted in the rich, evocative Scottish Landscape. And in recent paintings Deborah has concentrated on using Acrylics which give added vitality and movement to her paintings.

A critic once wrote “Deborah Phillips is one of those gifted artists who can paint a scene which we are all familiar, yet have never seen as she sees it.” Deborah describes her paintings as “Jaunty Scottish landscape!”. They are certainly immediately identifiable and uplifting.

Several magazine articles have featured Deborah Phillips paintings including Artists and Illustrators and International Artist Magazine. She has also been the Cover Artist for Picture Business Magazine. And images of Deborah’s contemporary paintings are now available as greetings cards from Paperlink within their L’arte range. When she is not painting Deborah Phillips is also a convener at the Dundee Art Society.

Golden Grazing near Ballater